
Amazon Vine 常見問題一覽-ESG跨境

Amazon Vine 常見問題一覽

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Amazon Vine 是一項買家評論計劃,通過這項計劃,亞馬遜銷售伙伴可以將其商品提供給受亞馬遜邀請加入 Amazon Vine 計劃的亞馬遜評論者。這些評論者(稱為 Vine Voice)之所以被選中,是因為他們能夠針對其在亞馬遜商城購買的商品發表具有深刻見解的評論。有關此計劃的更多信息,請轉至賣家平臺,然后依次點擊“廣告”>“Amazon Vine”。

Amazon Vine 常見問題

什么是 Amazon Vine?

Amazon Vine 是一項買家評論計劃,通過這項計劃,亞馬遜銷售伙伴可以將其商品提供給受邀請加入 Amazon Vine 計劃的者。這些評論者(稱為 Vine Voice)之所以被選中,是因為他們能夠針對其在購買的商品發表具有深刻見解的評論。有關此計劃的更多信息,請轉至賣家平臺,然后依次點擊“廣告”>“Amazon Vine”。

加入 Amazon Vine 計劃需要符合哪些資格標準?

大多數擁有專業銷售伙伴賬戶且是中的品牌代表的銷售伙伴均可加入 Amazon Vine 計劃。

大多數擁有專業銷售伙伴賬戶且是亞馬遜品牌注冊中的品牌代表的銷售伙伴均可加入 Amazon Vine 計劃。

請參閱 Amazon Vine 銷售伙伴資格頁面,了解有關銷售伙伴資格的更多信息。

在我要訪問 Amazon Vine 時,出現了【未授權】頁面。如何解決該問題?

請參閱 Amazon Vine 銷售伙伴資格頁面,了解有關計劃限制的更多信息。

要加入 Amazon Vine 計劃,商品需要符合哪些資格標準?

要使商品符合 Amazon Vine 計劃的要求,我們要求銷售伙伴必須是在中注冊商品的品牌代表。 請參閱“加入 Amazon Vine 計劃需要符合哪些資格標準?”,了解有關銷售伙伴資格的更多詳情。商品必須是具有可售庫存的亞馬遜物流商品,或是在商品詳情頁面上的評論少于 30 條的非成人用品。此外,注冊的商品需要具有圖片、描述、商品名稱,并且要按照 Amazon Vine 計劃的要求歸類到某個分類節點下。

注意: 每個 ASIN 在其生命周期內僅可在 Amazon Vine 計劃中注冊一次,這表示在取消首次注冊后,您將無法重新注冊該 ASIN 或父 ASIN 的任何其他變體。

為什么只有亞馬遜物流商品才有資格注冊加入 Amazon Vine 計劃?

我們竭力通過匿名方式保護所有 Vine Voice 的隱私,不會與任何銷售伙伴分享他們的聯系信息。為避免泄露 Vine Voice 的相關信息,我們需要通過配送 Vine Voice 申請的商品。

我在 Amazon Vine 計劃中注冊了一件商品,但沒有收到相關評論,我是否需要為此次注冊付費?

不需要。只有在 Vine Voice 發布了第一條 Amazon Vine 評論后,我們才會向您收費。


我們對您進行的有效注冊總數設有限制。當您在 Amazon Vine 中注冊某個 ASIN 時,此次注冊便會計入到該限制中,除非注冊取消(無任何訂單)或失效,否則這項注冊將一直處于有效狀態。自注冊之日(或計劃開始日期 [如果設置了該日期])起 90 天或所有商品均已接受審核(以時間較短者為準)后,注冊即告失效。如果您達到了有效注冊數上限,則必須等到您的其中一個有效注冊失效,才能在 Amazon Vine 計劃中注冊其他 ASIN。

我要在 Amazon Vine 計劃中注冊商品時,看到了一條錯誤消息。如何更正此錯誤?

大多數注冊錯誤都會生成一條消息,指出您無法完成注冊的原因。這些原因包括:您的商品可能不是符合要求的亞馬遜物流商品、可能缺少圖片,也可能只是不符合加入 Amazon Vine 計劃的要求。請參閱 Amazon Vine 錯誤頁面。

我有已被申領的 Amazon Vine 商品,這些商品將如何顯示在我的訂單和業務報告中?

在所有訂單和業務報告中,已被申領的 Amazon Vine 商品的價格將顯示為 0,并且您會看到這些商品的買家沒有名稱。我們是有意為之,因為我們要通過匿名形式來保護 Vine Voice 的隱私。


我們對 Vine Voice 為其通過 Amazon Vine 計劃收到的商品撰寫評論沒有期限限制。我們會時刻關注 Vine Voice 參與該計劃的積極程度,如果他們不符合我們的參與標準,我們可能會將其從 Amazon Vine 計劃中移除。

如果 Vine Voice 未對其收到的 Amazon Vine 商品發表評論,我可以收回商品嗎?

不可以。我們不能保證 Vine Voice 會對所有注冊商品發表評論,也不會將商品退還給您。根據相應的條款和條件,我們承諾會盡最大努力分發庫存。

我收到了差評,可以聯系 Vine Voice 嗎?

根據我們的條款和條件,除非是為了向正常買家提供支持,否則我們禁止銷售伙伴與 Vine Voice 取得任何聯系。您不得要求 Vine Voice 直接與您聯系,也不得試圖與其聯系以討論其發布的評論及其參與該計劃的情況,或者試圖讓其評論您銷售的其他商品。為了保護 Vine Voice 的隱私,我們不會提供他們的地址或其他個人信息。任何試圖聯系 Vine Voice 的行為都要受到調查并可能會導致您的銷售伙伴賬戶被撤銷。

亞馬遜能否刪除 Amazon Vine 的評論?


Amazon Vine 計劃是否支持捆綁或拆分 ASIN 或原廠包裝?

Amazon Vine 計劃不支持捆綁或拆分 ASIN/原廠包裝。

Vine Voice 未申請的商品會怎么樣?


在 Amazon Vine 中注冊商品的費用是多少?

現在,在 Amazon Vine 中注冊商品暫時免費,在您注冊時,注冊費用將顯示為 0。在免費促銷期間進行注冊無需支付費用。促銷期結束后,我們會在注冊流程中出現的“注冊詳情”頁面上顯示注冊費用,并且經您確認后,再支付注冊費用。

我是否需要為注冊加入 Amazon Vine 計劃的商品支付亞馬遜和銷售傭金?

由于已經注冊加入 Amazon Vine 計劃的商品庫存仍可供買家購買,因此商品無論是被 Vine Voice 申領還是被買家買走,我們都不會免除此類商品的這些費用。

我能否查看我的商品是如何向 Vine Voice 展示的?

我們會向 Vine Voice 發送一個商品詳情頁面的鏈接,Vine Voice 查看商品的方式與其他亞馬遜買家瀏覽商品的方式無異。

亞馬遜能否將評論從一個 ASIN 轉移到另一個 ASIN?

我們無法將評論從一個 ASIN 轉移到另一個 ASIN,即使是由于評論者弄錯而將評論發布在了錯誤的詳情頁面上也是如此。


要取消 Amazon Vine 計劃的注冊,請在賣家平臺中訪問您的 Amazon Vine 申請,然后點擊 Amazon Vine 控制面板上的【詳情】按鈕。點擊【取消】或【停止】。您可以在 Vine Voice 申領您的商品之前取消注冊,在第一個 Vine Voice 申領了您其中一件商品后停止注冊。停止注冊可以確保 Vine Voice 不會再申領其他商品,但不保證其不發布評論。

每個 ASIN 在其生命周期內僅可在 Amazon Vine 計劃中注冊一次,這表示在取消該 ASIN 的注冊后,您將無法重新注冊該 ASIN。

Vine frequently asked questions

What is Vine?

Vine is a customer review program that enables Amazon selling partners to put their products in the hands of Amazon reviewers that Amazon invited to participate in Vine. These reviewers (called Vine Voices) were selected for their ability to post insightful reviews on their Amazon purchases. For more information about the program, go to Vine on Seller Central under Advertising > Amazon Vine.

What are the eligibility criteria for participation in Vine?

Most selling partner with a professional selling partner account that are brand representatives in the Amazon Brand Registry can participate in Vine.

Refer to the Vine Selling Partner Eligibility page for more information about selling partner eligibility.

When trying to access Vine I see a Not authorized Page. What can I do to fix it?

Refer to the Vine Selling Partner Eligibility page for more information regarding program restrictions.

What are the product eligibility criteria for participation in Vine?

In order for an offer to be eligible for Vine, we request that the selling partner has to be a brand representative for the product registered with the Amazon Brand Registry. See “What are the eligibility criteria for participation in Vine?” for more details about selling partner eligibility. Offers need to be offers with available inventory or non-adult products with fewer than 30 reviews already published on the product detail page. In addition, the enrolled products need to have an image, a description, a title, and be classified under a browse node to be eligible for Vine.

Note: you can enroll an ASIN in Vine only once in its lifetime, meaning you cannot re-enroll the ASIN or any other variation of the parent ASIN after cancelling an initial enrollment.

Why are only FBA offers eligible to be enrolled in Vine?

We are dedicated to protecting the anonymity of our population of Vine Voices and will not share their contact information with any selling partner. In order to avoid disclosing information on the Vine Voices, we need to fulfill the units requested Vine Voices request via .

I enrolled an item in Vine but did not get a review; will I pay for this enrollment?

No, we bill you for the enrollment after the publication of the first Vine review.

What is the Active Enrollments Limit?

There is a limit to the total number of active enrollments you can have. When you enroll an ASIN in Vine it counts towards this limit and remains active unless cancelled (with no orders) or concluded. Enrollments conclude after the lesser of 90 days from enrollment (or scheduled start date, if set), or if all units are reviewed. If you reached the active enrollment limit, you will have to wait until one of your active enrollments is concluded before enrolling another ASIN in Vine.

I am seeing an error message while trying to enroll a product to Vine. How can I fix this?

Most enrollment errors will generate a message that specifies why you cannot complete the enrollment. Your product might not have any eligible FBA offer, might be missing an image, or might simply be ineligible for Vine. Refer to the Vine errors page.

I have claimed Vine units, how will this show up in my orders and business reports?

Claimed Vine units will be identifiable in your various orders and business reports with a price of 0 and you will see that these customers will not have a name. This is the expected behavior as we are preserving the anonymity of Vine Voices.

Why were some of my units not reviewed?

There is no deadline for Vine Voices to write reviews for the products they receive through Vine. We track our Vine Voices' active participation in the program, and they may be removed from Vine if they do not meet our participation criteria.

If a Vine Voice does not review their Vine unit, can I get the unit back?

No, we cannot guarantee reviews will be posted for all enrolled units and cannot return any product to you. Our commitment per the terms and conditions is to do our best to distribute the inventory.

I received a negative review; can I contact the Vine Voice?

As per our terms and conditions, we prohibit any contact between Vine Voices and selling partners other than for the purpose of regular customer support. You should not request a Vine Voice to contact you directly, nor should you attempt to contact them to talk about their reviews, their participation in the program, or to try to have them review other products you sell. We do not provide Vine Voices' addresses or other personal information in order to respect their privacy. Any attempt to contact Vine Voices will lead to an investigation and potential revocation of your selling partner account.

Can you remove a Vine review?

If the review is within customer review guidelines we will not remove it. To report a review, refer to the Amazon Community Guidelines.

Does Vine support bundling or splitting of ASINs or case packs?

Vine does not support bundling or splitting of ASINs/case-packs.

What happens to the units that have not been requested by Vine Voices?

The units remain available to be sold as FBA units.

What is the cost to enroll products in Vine?

Vine enrollments are temporarily free; we display an enrollment fee of 0 at the time of enrollment. Enrollment made during the free promotional period will not be billed. As soon as the promotion ends, we will communicate the enrollment fee during the enrollment process in the Enrollments Detail page and by asking your confirmation to pay the enrollment fee.

Do I pay FBA and referral fees on Vine enrolled units?

Since the inventory available on Vine-enrolled offers remain available for customers to purchase, we will not waive fees on such units, whether they end up being requested by Vine Voices or by regular customers.

Can I see how my product looks to Vine Voices?

Vine Voices are provided with a link to the product detail page and will view the product in the same way as any other Amazon customer.

Can you move reviews from one ASIN to another?

Reviews cannot be moved from an ASIN to another, even if the reviewer made a mistake and posted their review on the wrong detail page.

Can I cancel an enrollment?

To cancel your Vine enrollment, access your Vine application in Seller Central then click the details button on the Vine dashboard. Click Cancel or Stop. You will be able to cancel before the Voices claim your item and stop the enrollment after the first Voice claimed one of your items. Stopping the enrollment will ensure no additional unit will be claimed by Vine Voices but it does not guarantee reviews will not be published.

Each ASIN can only be enrolled in Vine once in that ASIN’s lifetime, meaning you cannot re-enroll the ASIN after cancelling its enrollment.

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