在wish商戶平臺或Merchant Plus平臺上,某些歐盟路向、英國路向和德國路向的訂單可能會顯示“要求支付消費者 VAT”標記。本文將為商戶解答有關此類訂單的一些常見問題。
在Wish商戶平臺或Merchant Plus平臺上,某些歐盟路向、英國路向和德國路向的訂單可能會顯示“要求支付消費者 VAT”標記。本文將為商戶解答有關此類訂單的一些常見問題。
下面有關歐盟的內容與 CEST 時間2021年7月1日凌晨0時起生效的歐盟履單要求有關。如需了解更多信息,請點擊此處。
CEST 時間2021年6月26日凌晨0時(即 UTC 時間2021年6月25日晚10時)及之后釋放的從歐盟境外發貨的歐盟路向訂單,如果包裹的預計*用戶支付產品價格大于150歐元(不包括運費、稅費等用戶支付的所有其他費用),則從 CEST 時間2021年7月1日凌晨0時(即 UTC 時間2021年6月30日晚10時)起,這些訂單在商戶平臺或 Merchant Plus 平臺上將顯示“要求支付消費者 VAT”標記。商戶必須使用提供 DDP(Delivered Duty Paid,完稅后交貨)服務的指定商來履行這些訂單。提供 DDP 服務的可協助(向海關)代繳 Wish 收取的和/或關稅。
* 請注意,Wish 將在商戶平臺或 Merchant Plus 平臺上基于單個訂單 ID 添加“要求支付消費者 VAT”標記,并假定1個訂單 ID = 1個包裹。因此,包裹的預計用戶支付產品價格 = 單個訂單 ID 的用戶支付產品價格。
“Pay Customer VAT “PC-VAT” required” Orders FAQ
Certain European Union-, United Kingdom-, and Germany-bound orders may be marked with the “Pay Customer VAT “PC-VAT” required” flag in Merchant Dashboard or Merchant Plus dashboard. This FAQ walks merchants through some commonly-asked questions about these types of orders.
Orders bound for the European Union
The below EU specific section is related to EU fulfillment requirements effective July 1, 2021 12:00AM CEST. See here for more information.
EU-bound orders released on or after June 26, 2021 12:00AM CEST (i.e., June 25, 2021 10:00PM UTC) shipped from outside of the EU where the expected* customer-paid product price for the corresponding consignment is greater than €150 (excluding all other customer payments such as shipping and taxes) will have the order highlighted with a "Pay Customer VAT "PC-VAT" required" flag in Merchant Dashboard or Merchant Plus dashboard, starting July 1, 2021 12:00AM CEST (i.e., June 30, 2021 10:00PM UTC). Merchants are required to use specific carriers that provide Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) services to fulfill these types of orders. Carriers providing DDP services offer support to remit (at customs) VAT amount collected by Wish and/or customs duties.
* Note that Wish applies the “Pay Customer VAT “PC-” required” flag to individual Order ID in Merchant Dashboard or Merchant Plus dashboard, and assumes that 1 Order ID = 1 consignment/package. Therefore, the expected customer-paid product price for the consignment = the customer-paid product price for the individual Order ID.