英國 VAT 的標準稅率為20%。Wish 將對從英國境內/境外發往英國的所有訂單自動計算 VAT,并直接添加到用戶支付的產品價格和運費中。因此,商戶請勿在設置產品價格和運費時額外加上 VAT 金額。
對于在英國境內配送的訂單(從英國境內發貨,運往英國境內),Wish 將為所有訂單添加并代收 VAT。如果是英國本土商戶,且已在稅務設置頁面設置英國稅務,Wish 會將 VAT 金額支付給商戶,以便商戶向英國稅務機構繳納稅款。如果是非英國本土商戶,則 Wish 將負責計算、代收和直接代繳 VAT 至英國稅務機構。
對于在英國境內配送的訂單, 強烈建議英國本土商戶根據英國稅費政策在“稅務設置”頁面設置英國稅務,以便成功收到 Wish 支付的 VAT 稅款。英國本土商戶可以在商戶平臺稅務設置頁面設置英國稅務。若商戶未能正確設置英國稅務,則 Wish 將為商戶的所有英國路向訂單代收 VAT,并直接繳納給英國稅務機構。請注意,Wish 向英國稅務機構繳納 VAT 稅款后,商戶無法要求 Wish 退款,且商戶仍有義務繳納應向英國稅務機構繳納的任何 VAT 稅款。
如果用戶支付的包裹價格小于或等于135英鎊(不包括運費、保險和稅費等用戶支付的所有其他費用),Wish 將負責對這些訂單計算、代收和直接代繳 VAT 至英國稅務機構。
如果用戶支付的包裹價格大于或等于135.01英鎊(不包括運費、保險和稅費等用戶支付的所有其他費用),則 VAT 金額將包含在商品售價中。Wish 會將此金額支付給商戶(包含在商戶收到的其他訂單的付款中)并要求商戶將 稅款轉交給 Wish 或商戶指定的貨運代理。隨后,貨運代理會在邊境代表用戶支付 VAT 稅款。
向用戶展示的價格將包含 VAT,即不會向用戶單獨顯示一行稅費,也不會額外收取稅費。
請參閱以下英國 VAT 計算示例:
“產品”(包含 VAT) …………………….. 12英鎊
United Kingdom:
The standard UK VAT rate is 20%. Wish will automatically add VAT for all domestic and international UK-bound orders on top of the customer-paid product price and shipping price. Therefore, please ensure that the product price and shipping price you provide do not already include the VAT amount.
For orders shipping within the UK (shipping from the UK, to the UK), Wish will add and collect VAT on all orders. For UK domiciled merchants shipping within the UK who have set up Tax Settings, the collected VAT amounts will be remitted to the merchants to remit to the UK tax authorities. For non-UK domiciled merchants shipping orders within the UK, will calculate, collect, and remit directly to the UK tax authorities.
UK domiciled merchants shipping within the UK are strongly encouraged to set up UK Tax Settings to comply with UK tax policy and to have their VAT amounts remitted to them. UK Tax Settings are available to set up all for UK domiciled merchants shipping within the UK, via our Tax Settings page in the Merchant Dashboard. Failure to properly set up UK Tax Settings will result in Wish adding VAT to the merchant’s UK-bound orders and remitting directly to the UK tax authorities on behalf of the merchant for all UK-bound orders. Please note that once VAT is remitted by Wish to the UK tax authorities, there is no option for a refund from Wish. Merchants will remain responsible for any VAT due in the UK.
For orders shipping to the UK from outside of the UK:
If the customer-paid price of the consignment is less than or equal to £135 (excluding all other customer payments such as shipping, insurance, and taxes), Wish will calculate, collect, and remit VAT directly to the UK tax authorities.
If the customer-paid price of the consignment is greater than or equal to £135.01 (excluding all other customer payments such as shipping, insurance, and taxes), the VAT amount will be included in the purchase price. Wish will remit this amount to merchants (when merchants receive payments for relevant orders) and will require merchants to forward the VAT amount to the freight forwarder designated by Wish or the merchants. The freight forwarder then pays the VAT amount due at the border on behalf of the customers.
The price displayed to buyers will be inclusive of VAT, i.e. there will not be a separate tax line or an additional amount collected from the customer.
Please see below for an example of UK VAT calculation:
This will be shown at the invoice as:
“Item” (VAT inclusive) …………………….. GBP 12