wish帶有“要求支付消費者 VAT”標記的訂單的履行要求
Wish帶有“要求支付消費者 VAT”標記的訂單的履行要求
如果包裹中訂單的預計用戶支付產品價格大于或等于135.01英鎊(不包括運費、保險和稅費等買家支付的所有其他費用),這些訂單在商戶平臺上將顯示“要求支付消費者 VAT”標記。商戶必須使用提供 DAP+ 服務的物流服務商履行此類訂單。提供 DAP+ 服務的物流服務商可在邊境海關代表用戶支付應納增值稅額,因此商戶需將增值稅支付給 DAP+ 。
在相關訂單的“訂單詳情”頁面,可在“訂單概覽”下面的訂單 ID 旁邊看到此標記(參見下面的屏幕截圖):
此標記也可以在訂單 > 未履行的訂單或訂單 > 歷史記錄頁面看到。下面的示例來自訂單 > 歷史記錄頁面:
提供 DAP+ 服務的 DAP+ 物流服務商針對商戶的發貨地點而有所不同,從中國大陸發貨的商戶使用 Post 物流渠道,從中國大陸以外發貨的商戶使用非 WishPost 物流渠道。
在履行標有“要求支付消費者 ”標記的訂單時,請商戶根據不同發貨地的相應要求進行操作:
1. 對于使用 WishPost 從中國大陸發貨的商戶:
商戶須使用以下任一提供 DAP+ 服務的 WishPost 物流渠道配送此類訂單:
EQ 專線快遞-普貨
EQ 專線快遞-特貨
如前文所述,商戶仍須打印“包裹概覽”文件,并在發貨前將其放入包裹內。除此之外,對于使用 WishPost 從中國大陸發貨的英國路向訂單,將由 WishPost 代為負責所有其他履行要求(如下文所述,相關其他履行要求僅適用于從中國大陸及英國以外發貨的非 WishPost 商戶)。
2. 對于從中國大陸及英國以外發貨的商戶:
商戶必須使用提供 DAP+ 服務的英國路向可確認妥投的物流服務商配送此類訂單。如需查看可確認妥投的物流服務商的完整名單,請點擊此處。
此外,商戶在生成所選 DAP+ 貨運代理的物流標簽時,還需在物流標簽上包含訂單的用戶支付價格。用戶支付價格可在商戶平臺上或通過 API 獲得。有關如何找到用戶支付價格的詳細說明,請參見下文。
1). 前往訂單 > 未履行的訂單或訂單 > 歷史記錄頁面。找到相關的英國路向訂單,然后訪問“訂單詳情”頁面:
您可以在“訂單詳情”頁上的“英國履行要求”部分找到用戶支付價格(即,產品總價 + 總運費,參見上面的“訂單詳情”屏幕截圖)和增值稅總額。
正如前文所述,對于“要求支付消費者 VAT”的訂單,商戶需向提供 DAP+ 服務的英國路向可確認妥投的物流服務商支付顯示的“代收的增值稅總額”。當 Wish 向商戶支付訂單貨款時,會將“代收的增值稅總額”支付給商戶;然后商戶可將該稅額支付給所選的物流服務商,并在生成的物流標簽上包含用戶支付價格。
2). 若要查看新增的必須提供的履行信息,也可以前往訂單 > 未履行的訂單或訂單 > 歷史記錄頁面,然后點擊“收貨地址”列中的鏈接。
此時將打開一個彈窗,其中顯示的配送信息包括訂單的訂單總價、產品總價、總運費和代收的總額。正如前文所述,生成所選 DAP+ 貨代的物流標簽時,必須包含用戶支付價格(產品總價 + 總運費)。無需在物流標簽上包含訂單總價(產品總價 + 總運費 + 代收的增值稅總額)。
通過 API 查看用戶支付價格
以下 API 端口現在將返回有關的新增相關信息,包括英國路向訂單新增履行要求的信息(例如用戶支付價格),以便商戶可以通過 API 正確履行相關訂單:
GET /api/v2/order
GET /api/v2/order/multi-get
GET /api/v2/order/get-fulfill
如需了解更多詳情,請點擊此處訪問我們的“商戶 API 文檔”頁面。
請注意,將多個訂單合并到一個包裹中時,包裹的貨值會增加。如果您將多個訂單合并到一個包裹中,且合并后包裹內訂單的用戶支付價格總額預計大于或等于135.01英鎊(不包括運費、保險和稅費等買家支付的所有其他費用),您將需要負責代表買家將增值稅支付給貨運代理(即使包裹內的訂單并未標記“要求支付消費者 VAT”)。因此,如果合并訂單會導致包裹的用戶支付價格總額大于或等于135.01英鎊,我們強烈建議商戶不要合并履行訂單。
請注意,“要求支付消費者 VAT”標記在商戶平臺上是按單個訂單 ID 添加的,沒有考慮合并包裹的情況。具體來說,Wish 默認情況下假定1個訂單 ID 等于1個包裹。因此,如果商戶將多個訂單 ID 合并到一個包裹中,導致整個包裹的買家支付的產品總價大于或等于135.01英鎊,那么即使單個訂單的用戶支付價格小于或等于135英鎊,并且沒有顯示“要求支付消費者 VAT”標記,商戶也需向貨運代理支付增值稅。
Fulfillment requirement for orders flagged as “Pay Customer VAT “PC-VAT” required”
Orders whose expected customer-paid product price for the corresponding consignment is greater than or equal to £135.01 (excluding all other customer payments such as shipping, insurance, and taxes) will be flagged as “Pay Customer VAT “PC-VAT” required” orders in the Merchant Dashboard. Merchants are required to use specific carriers that provide Delivered at Place Plus (DAP+) services to fulfill this type of orders. Carriers that provide DAP+ services can pay VAT on behalf of customers to customs, so long as the merchant remits the VAT to the + carriers.
This flag can be seen for relevant orders next to the Order ID under the Overview Table in the Order details page (see screenshot below):
This flag will also be visible under the Orders > Unfulfilled Orders or Orders > History page. See below for an example shown in the Orders > History page:
The DAP+ carriers providing DAP+ service will differ for merchants shipping from Mainland China (WishPost) and for merchants shipping from outside of Mainland China (non-WishPost) merchants.
Please note the following action items for merchants shipping “Pay Customer VAT “PC-VAT” required” orders from different originating locations:
1. For merchants shipping from Mainland China using WishPost:
Merchants are required to utilize one of the following WishPost logistics channels that provide DAP+ services to fulfill this type of order:
EQ-Express Parcel GC
EQ-Express Parcel SC
CNE-Standard Express
CNE-Economy Express
CNE–Priority Express
CNE–Standard Express-B EU
Merchants will still need to print the Package Overview document and include it inside the package before shipping, as outlined above. Otherwise, WishPost will take care of any other fulfillment requirements (detailed below, as these additional requirements are only relevant to non-Post merchants shipping from outside of Mainland China and outside of the UK) for UK-bound orders on behalf of merchants shipping from Mainland China using WishPost.
2. For merchants shipping from outside of Mainland China and outside of the UK:
Merchants must select a Confirmed Delivery Shipping Carrier for UK-bound orders that will provide DAP+ services when shipping this type of order. For a full list of Confirmed Delivery Shipping Carriers, please see here.
In addition, merchants must also include the customer-paid price of the order when generating a shipping label with their selected DAP+ freight forwarder. The customer-paid price can be found in the Merchant Dashboard and via API. Please see below for details on how to locate this information.
Finding customer-paid price in Merchant Dashboard
1). Navigate to Orders > Unfulfilled Orders or Orders > History page. In the row of the relevant UK-bound order, access the Order details page:
You will find the customer-paid price (i.e. Total product price + Total shipping price, per Order details screenshot above) and total VAT amount in the “United Kingdom fulfillment requirements” section on the Order details page.
As previously mentioned, merchants are responsible for remitting the displayed Total VAT collected amount to UK-bound Confirmed Delivery Shipping Carriers offering DAP+ services for “Pay Customer VAT “PC-VAT” required” orders. The Total VAT collected amount will be remitted by Wish to the merchant when the merchant receives payment for their order; merchants may then pass the VAT amount to their selected shipping carrier, along with including the customer-paid price when generating a shipping label.
2). Your new required fulfillment information can also be accessed by clicking the link under the Ship to column on either the Orders > Unfulfilled Orders or Orders > History page.
A popup modal with shipping information will appear, including the Total order price, Total product price, Total shipping price, and Total VAT collected amount for the order. As mentioned above, customer-paid price is (Total product price + Total shipping price), which must be included when generating a shipping label with their selected DAP+ freight forwarder. Total order price is (Total product price + Total shipping price + Total VAT collected amount), which does not need to be included in the shipping label.
By clicking the “i” icon next to “Total product price (GBP)” and “Total shipping price (GBP)”, merchants will see the tooltip below:
By clicking the “i” icon next to “Total VAT collected amount (GBP)”, merchants will see the tooltip below:
Finding customer-paid price via API
The following API endpoints will now return relevant new UK VAT information, including information on new fulfillment requirements for UK-bound orders, such as the customer-paid price, so that merchants can properly fulfill relevant orders via API:
GET /api/v2/order
GET /api/v2/order/multi-get
GET /api/v2/order/get-fulfill
For more details, please see our Merchant API documentation page here.
How does combining packages affect VAT for UK-bound orders?
Please note that the value of a consignment will increase when combining multiple orders into one package/consignment. If you choose to combine several orders into one package, and the combined total expected customer-paid product price is greater than or equal to £135.01 for the corresponding consignment (excluding all other customer payments such as shipping, insurance, and taxes), you will then be responsible for remitting VAT to freight forwarders on behalf of customers (even though individual orders are not flagged as “Pay Customer VAT “PC-VAT” required”). As such, we strongly recommend that merchants not fulfill orders together if combining orders causes the total customer-paid product price of the consignment to be greater than or equal to £135.01.
Please note that the “Pay Customer VAT “PC-VAT” required” flag is placed on individual Order IDs in the Merchant Dashboard, and does not take into account combining packages. Specifically, Wish assumes by default that 1 Order ID is equal to 1 consignment/package. Therefore, if merchants combine multiple Order IDs into one package/consignment, causing the total customer-paid product price of the entire consignment to be greater than or equal to £135.01, merchants will still be responsible for remitting VAT to freight forwarders, even if the individual orders' customer-paid price is less than or equal to £135 and do not have the “Pay Customer VAT “PC-VAT” flags shown.
For more information on how to fulfill orders, please see here.