在您發布產品頁面后,Exchange 會自動將您的產品頁面放入可向合適的客戶產生最高曝光度的商店類型類別中。
在您發布產品頁面后,Exchange 會自動將您的產品頁面放入可向合適的客戶產生最高曝光度的商店類型類別中。
如果您的已核實銷售額(通過 獲得的銷售額)超過 100 美元,您可以選擇您的產品頁面的行業類型。收入會在每月初在 Exchange 市場產品頁面中更新。這些行業包括時裝和服飾、電子產品和小配件、健康和美容等。如果您的商店收入不足 100 美元,您將無法為商店選擇行業。
新開商店是指已核實銷售額(通過 Shopify 獲得的銷售額)低于 100 美元,且最高銷售價格不超過 10,000 美元的任何商店。如果您的商店屬于這種情況,則您在創建產品頁面時將無法選擇行業。這是 Exchange 上最受歡迎的類別,列入此類別將為您的產品頁面提供大量曝光度并增加出售機會。
如果您的在線商店安裝了代發貨應用,則會自動歸入 Exchange 上的“代發貨”類別。代發貨應用包括 DSers、Spocket、Modalyst 等。即使您的商店可能并未將這些應用作為主要的方式,它們也仍會顯示在代發貨類別下,對于尋找配備代發貨服務的商店的買家,這會有所幫助。
如果您的商店收入超過 20,000 美元,您的產品頁面會添加到成立已久的商店類別。客戶瀏覽此類別時,他們還可以根據行業類型篩選所選內容,行業類型在創建產品頁面時進行選擇。
已安裝按需打印應用(如 Printful 或 Teelaunch)的商店將自動列入此類別。這使有興趣經營按需打印業務的客戶能夠知道您的產品頁面適合他們。
任何由合作伙伴構建但尚未由單獨的店主管理的商店都將被列入“合作伙伴商店”類別。合作伙伴包括 Shopify 合作伙伴計劃中的專業設計師、開發人員、營銷人員和網紅。這些商店的不同之處在于,它們具有開始銷售所需的一切設置,并且專為那些尋找現成在線商店的人而打造。這些商店除了創建它的合作伙伴之外沒有其他所有者。
無法更改產品頁面顯示時所在的類別。Exchange 設計了此系統,旨在盡可能多地向潛在客戶展示所有產品頁面。如果您認為自己的頁面不屬于某個類別,則最好使用描述來讓客戶了解您的業務類型。
Exchange 上的精選位置每次只能顯示有限數量的產品頁面。一次可在精選位置顯示每個類別的一至三個高質量產品頁面,少數產品頁面會顯示在主頁上。顯示在精選位置的商店會經常輪換,以便向每天使用 Exchange 的數千名買家呈現高質量的產品頁面。
精選產品頁面不是手動選擇的。Exchange 使用一種工具,該工具可自動選擇頂級產品頁面并將其放置在市場上的精選推薦位置。此工具會分析產品頁面中是否包含對客戶較為重要的信息,并且會考慮查看產品頁面并與其交互的客戶人數。
在 Exchange 上銷售商店的每位賣家都希望其產品頁面獲得推薦,但是空間是有限的,不是每個產品面都可以得到推廣。但是,您可以對產品頁面做出更改,從而大大提高獲得推薦的機會。
在產品頁面描述中至少包括 280 個字詞。請務必使用說明準確描述您的企業和出售原因。如果在考慮產品頁面描述中要包含的內容時需要幫助,請嘗試閱讀關于產品頁面中要包含的內容的文章。
Exchange 每天都會更新精選商店,以展示新的高質量產品頁面。Exchange 還會每周發送電子郵件,推廣一些客戶當下搜索的精選產品頁面。Exchange 目前不提供付費推廣產品頁面的選項,成為精選產品頁面是免費的。
在列出的同時還在繼續達成銷售的商店,在 Exchange 上售出的可能性更大。這可以向買家展示商店依然處于活躍狀態且運營情況良好,使其對買家更具吸引力。對于在您是所有者期間達成的銷售訂單,您有責任完成發貨。
您的商店需要處于開放狀態并且使用付費套餐才能在 Exchange 上銷售。這樣,潛在買家才仍然可以訪問您的網站,以決定他們是否愿意購買。在列出商店的同時,您還可以繼續達成銷售,這有助于增加售出機會。
如果您決定停止在 Exchange 上列出并銷售自己的企業,可以按照以下步驟刪除您的產品頁面:
登錄您的 Shopify 賬戶并轉至應用。
點擊 Exchange 市場應用。
如果您決定將來再次發布產品頁面,您的產品頁面數據將會保存。如果您決定不在 Exchange 上銷售商店,并且關閉了商店,則系統會自動將您的產品頁面取消發布。
Business type categories
After you publish your listing, Exchange automatically places your listing into business type categories that might give your listing the most visibility for the right customers.
If you have made more than $100 USD in verified sales (sales made through Shopify), then you can choose your listing's industry type. The revenue is updated in the Exchange Marketplace listing at the beginning of every month. These industries include Fashion & Apparel, Electronics & Gadgets, Health & beauty, and so on. If your business has made less than $100 USD in revenue, then you can't select an industry for your business.
In addition to Industry, your listing is automatically placed in many other categories. Here are the categories your business might appear in and what qualifies it to display in these categories.
. The businesses that are featured are rotated often in order to give quality listings exposure to the thousands of customers who use Exchange each day.
Featured listings are not chosen manually. Exchange uses a tool that automatically selects top listings to place in featured spots on the marketplace. This tool analyzes your listing for information that is important to our customers and takes into account the number of customers who are viewing and engaging with your listing.
Improving your chance of being featured
Everyone selling their business on exchange hopes to get their listing featured, but with limited space, not every listing can be promoted. However, there are changes that you can make to your listing that greatly improve your chances of getting featured.
The following suggestions are to help you create a quality listing that grabs the attention of customers:
Include at least 280 words in your listing's description. It's important to use the description to accurately describe your business and reason for selling. If you're looking for help thinking of what to include in your listing's description, try reading our article on what to include in your listing.
Try not to abandon order fulfillment & usual business operations as soon as you list. Keep your sales up if you can.
Have a custom domain registered with your online store and include this in the sale.
Let customers know all other assets you're including. This can be social media accounts, product photos, personal support after the sale etc.
Upload quality photos to your listing. A screenshot of your online store is great, but uploading additional screenshots is even better.
Featured businesses are updated each day to display new high-quality listings. Exchange also sends a weekly email promoting a handful of curated business listings that people are currently searching. Exchange doesn't currently have the option to pay to have your listing promoted, getting featured is free.
Making sales while your business is listed
Businesses that continue to make sales while listed for sale on Exchange have a higher chance of selling. This demonstrates to customers that the business is still active and healthy, making it all the more appealing to buy. You are responsible for fulfilling all sales made while you are the owner.
You cannot close a business while it is listed
Your business needs to be open and on a paid plan to sell on Exchange. This way, potential customers can still visit your website to decide if they'd like to buy it. It also allows you to continue making sales while you have your business listed, helping you increase your chances of selling.
Remove your Exchange listing
If you've decided that you'd no longer like to have your business listed for sale on Exchange, you can follow these steps to remove your listing:
Log into your Shopify account and head to your Apps.
Click the Exchange Marketplace app.
Click the Listing tab.
Click the Unpublish button and confirm.
Your listing data is saved in case you decide to publish your listing again in the future. If you decide not to sell your business on Exchange, and you close your business, then your listing is unpublished automatically.