點擊【下載 SKU 列表】以查看每個貨件的具體信息,包括收貨和發貨地址,以及貨件中包含的各個 SKU。
點擊【下載 SKU 列表】以查看每個貨件的具體信息,包括收貨和發貨地址,以及貨件中包含的各個 SKU。
查看下表,了解有關 SKU 列表中每個字段的更多信息。
下載標題 | 描述 | 示例 |
貨件編號 | 加密的亞馬遜貨件編號 | FBAPMK5M |
名稱 | 您貨件的名稱 | FBA_DSCP_1 |
計劃編號 | 您入庫計劃的加密亞馬遜計劃編號 | PLN1HN2F |
目的地 | 您貨件的目的地地址 | Amazon.com, 4255 Anson Blvd, Whitestown, IN, US, 46075 |
所有 SKU | 您貨件中的商品數量 | 4 |
商品總數 | 您貨件中的商品總數 | 48 |
貨件裝運箱總數 | 您貨件中的裝運箱總數(僅在原廠包裝發貨貨件中顯示) | 48 |
賣家 SKU | 賣家庫存單位 (SKU) 是用于識別商品的唯一字母和/或數字序列。 | AB-RED-8675309 |
商品名稱 | 商品的名稱 | Toysmith 不粘烤盤套件 |
ASIN | 亞馬遜商品編碼 (ASIN) 是由 10 個字母或數字組成的、用于識別商品的唯一序列。ASIN 由亞馬遜分配。您可以在商品詳情頁面找到商品的 ASIN。 | B003ZYF3LO |
FNSKU | 配送網絡庫存單位 (FNSKU) 是亞馬遜分配給儲存在中心且從中心配送的商品的唯一編碼。 | X00000E5TX |
外部編號 | 您商品的 UPC、EAN 或 ISBN | EAN:0711219805304 或 ISBN:1565125645 |
狀況 | 您商品的狀況。 | 新品或二手物品 |
每個裝運箱的商品數量 | 每個裝運箱的商品數量(僅顯示在原廠包裝發貨貨件中) | 1 |
裝運箱的數量 | 您貨件中商品裝運箱的數量(僅在原廠包裝發貨貨件中顯示) | 1 |
已發貨 | 您貨件中的商品總數 | 12 |
SKU List
Click Download SKU list to view specifics for each shipment, including ship-to and ship-from addresses and individual SKUs included in the shipment.
See the following table for more information about each field in the SKU list.
Field definitions
Download Header Description Example Shipment ID Encrypted Amazon shipment ID FBAPMK5M Name The name of your shipment _DSCP_1 Plan ID Encrypted Amazon plan id for your shipping plan PLN1HN2F Ship To The destination address of your shipment Amazon.com, 4255 Anson Blvd, Whitestown, IN, US, 46075 Total SKUs The number of products in your shipment 4 Total Units The total number of units in your shipment 48 shipment-total-cases The total number of cases in your shipment (displayed in Case-Packed shipments only) 48 Merchant SKU Merchant stock-keeping units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products. AB-RED-8675309 Title The title of your product Toysmith Nonstick Bakeware Set ASIN Amazon standard identification numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify products. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page. B003ZYF3LO FNSKU Fulfillment network stock-keeping units (FNSKUs) are unique identifiers assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from Amazon fulfillment centers. X00000E5TX external-id UPC, EAN or ISBN for your product EAN: 0711219805304 or ISBN: 1565125645 Condition The condition of your product. New or Used-Good Units per Case The number of units of the product per case (displayed in Case-Packed shipments only) 1 Number of Cases The number of cases of the product in your shipment (displayed in Case-Packed shipments only) 1 Shipped The total number of units of your product in your shipment 12