如果您無法在亞馬遜上找到新品等價物,則需要從頭創(chuàng)建您的 ASIN。
輸入將作為翻新商品提供的商品的新品等價物 ASIN。
如果尚不存在現(xiàn)有的翻新商品 ASIN,系統(tǒng)將提示您選擇添加:
請記住,翻新商品 ASIN 的價格必須比新品等價物的價格低至少 5%。
UPC,不能與新品的 UPC 相同。
選擇“創(chuàng)建翻新商品 ASIN”。
如果您無法在上找到新品等價物,則需要從頭創(chuàng)建您的 ASIN。
對于商品名稱,您必須在末尾添加“(翻新商品)”。示例: Nikon Coolpix S7000 Wi-Fi 數(shù)碼相機(翻新商品)。
我們的團隊將確保這些新創(chuàng)建的 ASIN 在 5 個工作日內添加到翻新商品目錄中。
為了提供最佳買家體驗,除了服務商業(yè)解決方案協(xié)議中的所有發(fā)布要求外,我們希望所有翻新商品 ASIN 均遵循以下發(fā)布指南:
所有 ASIN 在商品名稱的末尾必須有“(翻新)”。例如,Nikon Coolpix S7000 Wi-Fi 數(shù)碼相機(翻新商品)。
所有翻新商品 ASIN 必須以新商品的 5% 或更高折扣發(fā)布。這是為了遵守公平定價政策。
所有 ASIN 都應遵守商品詳情頁面規(guī)則。
根據(jù)翻新商品重新定價規(guī)則,您可以自動調整庫存中翻新 SKU 的價格。您可以使用常規(guī)調整為相關的新品等價物推薦報價。此外,設置翻新商品重新定價規(guī)則將提高或降低您的商品價格,以響應與翻新商品版本相對應的新品 ASIN。如此一來,如果商品的新品版本價格下降,您的商品價格將調整為保持比新品等價物 ASIN 上的對應推薦報價低 5%。
您的翻新商品 ASIN 的價格應始終比新品 ASIN 低至少 5%。在第一部分,您可以指定將您的 SKU 重新定價為比新品低特定金額或特定百分比。如果沒有任何新品 ASIN 與您的翻新商品 ASIN 相對應,則這一部分規(guī)則將被忽略。
您還可以根據(jù)對同一翻新商品 ASIN 所做的其他報價,對您的 SKU 進行重新定價。您可以比推薦報價低或高一定的百分比或金額,或者與推薦報價一致。
Amazon Renewed Listing Guide
How to create a Renewed ASIN
In your Seller Central account, select Catalog > Add a Product.
Click on “I’m adding a certified refurbished product”.
This link will only appear if you are an approved Renewed Seller.
Enter the New equivalent ASIN of the item you will be offering as Renewed.
If there is not an already existing Renewed ASIN you will be prompted to optionally add:
Keep in mind Renewed ASINs must be priced 5% less or more than the new equivalent.
Inventory Quantity
SKU, for your internal bookkeeping.
UPC, cannot be the same UPC as the new item.
Select Create Renewed ASIN.
If you are unable to locate a New equivalent on Amazon, you will need to create your ASIN from scratch.
In your Seller Central account, select Catalog >Add a Product.
Click on “I’m adding a product not sold on Amazon”.
Select the category that best fits your item and drill down until you receive a “Select Category” button.
Enter all necessary information.
For your title you must add (Renewed) at the end. Example: Nikon Coolpix S7000 Wi-Fi Digital Camera (Renewed).
Your condition type must be “New”.
Once all required information is added you will be able to select “Save and Finish”.
Our team will ensure these newly created ASINs are added to the Renewed catalog within 5 business days.
Why am I not able to list my products on Amazon Renewed?
You must be approved to sell Renewed products. If you would like to apply to sell Renewed items please see the Amazon Renewed Help Page for information on the approval process.
If you are approved, and still unable to sell, you can contact Amazon Renewed Seller Support.
Renewed Listing Guidelines
For the best customer experience we expect all Renewed ASINs to follow the below listing guidelines in addition to all listing requirements in the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement :
All ASINs must have (Renewed) at the end of the title. For example, Nikon Coolpix S7000 Wi-Fi Digital Camera (Renewed).
All Renewed ASINs must be listed at a 5% or more discount than its new countart. This is to remain in compliance with Amazon Marketplace Fair Pricing Policy.
All images must be adhering to Amazon Product Image Requirements
Do not use your seller name as the Brand or Manufacturer, unless your product is a Prie Label.
Do not mention warranties in your title, descriptions or bullet points.
All ASINs should adhere to Amazon Product Detail Page Rules
If you have additional questions, contact Renewed Seller Support in Contact Us in Seller Central.
Renewed Pricing
Renewed repricing rule allows you to automatically adjust prices on the Renewed SKUs in your inventory. Your price can adjust to the relevant New Equivalent Featured Offer with a regular automated pricing rule. Additionally, setting a Renewed repricing rule will raise or lower your prices in response to the New ASIN that is mapped to the Renewed version. That way, if the new version of the product drops, your price will adjust to remain at least 5% lower than the corresponding featured offer on the New equivalent ASIN.
In your Seller Central account, choose Automate Pricing under the Pricing tab, and then click on the Create a customized Pricing rule button.
From the Create a customized Pricing rule screen, select the Renewed pricing rule type and give it a name, and choose the marketplaces where the rule will be active
Next, define the parameters of your pricing rule:
Your Renewed ASIN should always be priced at least 5% below the New ASIN. In the first section, you can specify to rePRICE your SKU by a certain amount or percentage below New. If there is no New ASIN mapped to your Renewed ASIN, this part of the rule will be ignored.
You can also reprice your SKU in relation to other offers that are made on the same Renewed ASIN. You can stay below, above or match the Featured Offer by a certain percentage or amount.
As you make each entry, a rule summary at the bOTTOm will be updated with your selections
The third section of the rule parameters will allow you to choose the types of offers and conditions that your prices will be compared against.
Finally, let Amazon know whether to pause this rule when your price is updated elsewhere.
After you are satisfied with how your rule is defined, click the Save this rule in Amazon button.
Once you have created a Renewed Pricing Rule, please see Add SKUs to a pricing rule