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賣家通過【管理冗余庫存】頁面的【創(chuàng)建清倉促銷】部分提交最低折扣為 20% 的促銷優(yōu)惠,選定的促銷將會在兩周的固定時段內(nèi)顯示在亞馬遜奧特萊斯頁面上。使用亞馬遜奧特萊斯不收取額外費用,僅收取標準配送費用和銷售傭金。

要加入亞馬遜奧特萊斯,您必須擁有,并且整體評分至少為 3.5 星。

ASIN 必須滿足以下條件,才有資格顯示在亞馬遜奧特萊斯頁面上:

  • 擁有在中心至少存放 90 天的庫存

  • 現(xiàn)有庫存超過 10 件

  • 有銷售歷史記錄

  • 處于新品狀況

  • 商品評分至少為 3 星或沒有評論

  • 目前未注冊參與“訂購省”計劃

  • 目前未注冊參與其他促銷優(yōu)惠

  • 在過去 60 天內(nèi)沒有參加過亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷

  • 遵守亞馬遜的政策和價格政策 。


注意: 并非所有符合條件的商品都會獲得奧特萊斯推薦。我們會定期評估 ASIN 是否符合要求,因此您每天看到的推薦商品可能不同。以“亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷”形式推出的商品在促銷結(jié)束后的 90 天內(nèi)將不再符合加入亞馬遜奧特萊斯的要求。更新您的商品設(shè)置有助于改善我們?yōu)槟峁┑慕ㄗh,也有助于讓您的商品再次獲得推薦。(在管理冗余庫存中,點擊您的 ASIN 旁邊下拉菜單中的【自定義 SKU 設(shè)置】)。



  1. 從賣家平臺的【庫存】下拉菜單中,選擇【庫存規(guī)劃】。

  2. 點擊 【管理冗余庫存】 選項卡。

  3. 要篩選符合條件的庫存,請點擊【按條件顯示推薦】設(shè)置中的【創(chuàng)建清倉促銷】。

  4. 從符合條件的商品右側(cè)的下拉菜單中,選擇【創(chuàng)建清倉促銷】。

  5. 在彈出窗口中,在【清倉促銷價格】框中輸入您的價格。 您的價格不得高于默認填寫的最高價格。

    注意: 最高限時促銷價格會考慮提供新品狀況的該商品的賣家給出的最低價格。如果商品當前的銷售價格在促銷開始前發(fā)生變更,那么此價格可能會有所波動。促銷開始后,如果商品的銷售價格高于亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷價格,亞馬遜可能會取消此促銷,恕不另行通知。

  6. 查看您的亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷的開始日期和結(jié)束日期。

  7. 點擊【提交】。

如果您的限時促銷正確提交,系統(tǒng)將顯示【清倉促銷提交成功】的消息。如果您看到【最高促銷價格為 $x】 的消息,請更改促銷價格,使其低于或等于最高促銷價格。



注意: 并非提交的所有亞馬遜奧特萊斯都會獲得批準。如果您的促銷獲得批準,我們會向您發(fā)送電子郵件。建議您在提交促銷后的星期五查看您的清倉促銷報告。要查找該報告,請從賣家平臺的【數(shù)據(jù)報告】下拉菜單中選擇【庫存和銷售報告】。清倉促銷報告將會顯示在頁面左側(cè)【銷售額】下方的列表中。您也可以通過“管理冗余庫存”頁面訪問該報告,方法是點擊已提交 ASIN 的價格下的【在清倉促銷報告中查看狀態(tài)】。



  1. 在賣家平臺的【數(shù)據(jù)報告】下拉菜單中,選擇【庫存和銷售報告】。

  2. 在左側(cè)導(dǎo)航欄的【銷售額】下,選擇【清倉促銷】。

您也可以通過【管理冗余庫存】頁面訪問該報告,方法是點擊一個已提交 ASIN 當前價格下面的【在清倉促銷報告中查看狀態(tài)】。

注意: 如果系統(tǒng)沒有立即生成該 ASIN 的報告,請等待 24 小時再申請一次。您還可以選擇更長的【事件日期】范圍(例如,【最近 3 天】或【最近 7 天】)。



  1. 從賣家平臺的【庫存】下拉菜單中,選擇【庫存規(guī)劃】,然后點擊【管理冗余庫存】選項卡。

  2. 從符合條件的商品右側(cè)的下拉菜單中,選擇【創(chuàng)建清倉促銷】。

  3. 更改價格,然后點擊【更新】。

  4. 點擊【取消清倉促銷】。

注意: 如果您要取消已經(jīng)開始的奧特萊斯限時促銷,請先在清倉促銷報告中查看促銷的狀態(tài),然后聯(lián)系銷售伙伴支持。


亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷和降價促銷折扣可與您同時通過其他促銷為此商品提供的折扣(包括優(yōu)惠券、促銷、特價、和贈品)進行疊加。例如,如果您的亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷是為 $100 的 ASIN 提供 50% 的折扣,并且您同時為同一 ASIN 提供 5% 的降價優(yōu)惠券,那么總折扣金額為 $55。

  • 標準商品價格:$100

  • 亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷折扣: 50%

  • 優(yōu)惠券折扣: 5%

  • 總折扣金額: (100 x 0.5) + (100 x 0.05) = $55


亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷的折扣要高于降價促銷(至少 30%),并且由亞馬遜設(shè)置時間,從下一促銷周期開始持續(xù)兩周。亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷在各種買家促銷中的優(yōu)先級最高,在亞馬遜奧特萊斯頁面的顯示位置更加醒目,并且會在 ASIN 詳情頁面上顯示【限時促銷】標記。通常,這些促銷商品的售出率會更高。亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷的折扣要不低于 30%,具體會根據(jù)買家需求和庫齡等因素而有所不同。

亞馬遜奧特萊斯降價促銷的資格標準與亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷的標準相同,但是建議的折扣要低一些(25% 至 30%)。 雖然您可以為商品選擇更長一點的折扣時間,但是亞馬遜奧特萊斯降價促銷商品僅可在商品符合亞馬遜奧特萊斯價格要求期間才會在亞馬遜奧特萊斯頁面上得到推薦,且不超過連續(xù) 2 周。符合亞馬遜奧特萊斯降價促銷標準的 ASIN 也要符合【管理冗余庫存】頁面上 ASIN 所列出的【清倉店鋪要求】。


  • 請先刪除某個 ASIN 的定價規(guī)則,然后再提交。定價規(guī)則可能會阻止 ASIN 自動降價。此類促銷會從亞馬遜奧特萊斯中移除,并且可能會導(dǎo)致今后不再向該賬戶顯示任何亞馬遜奧特萊斯推薦。

  • 請使用優(yōu)質(zhì)圖片。如果商品有充足的積壓庫存和優(yōu)質(zhì)圖片,那么在我們的 ASIN 級別的營銷推廣活動中得到展示的機率更大。亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷特別推薦的 ASIN 會獲得更高的售出率。

  • 在推出亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷的同時可結(jié)合使用優(yōu)惠券,以提高轉(zhuǎn)化率。

  • 請考慮采用高于建議費率的折扣。$10 以下的商品將在 【$10 以下】頁面中獲得更多推廣,并且會在【暢銷商品】頁面上得到推薦。

  • 如果您不確定是否要進行整整兩周的促銷,請勿提交亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷。限時促銷一旦開始,就無法設(shè)置數(shù)量限制或通過自助方式停止。

  • 同系列 ASIN 變體也將應(yīng)用折扣,即使沒有亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷也是如此。






  • 此 ASIN 已納入一項與奧特萊斯限時促銷時間重疊的促銷(例如秒殺)計劃中。

  • 商品圖片不符合分類指南的要求。有關(guān)更多信息,請參閱商品圖片要求。

  • 買家評論評分低于 3 星。

  • 您的 ASIN 已缺貨。

  • 最高促銷價格要求會因價格浮動而發(fā)生變化。

為什么我無法在亞馬遜奧特萊斯主頁上找到我的 ASIN?

在亞馬遜奧特萊斯頁面上查找您的 ASIN 之前,請先查看清倉促銷報告以確認您提交的促銷的狀態(tài)。如果該 ASIN 的狀態(tài)為【已提交】或【已結(jié)束】,那么此 ASIN 將不會顯示在亞馬遜奧特萊斯頁面上。如果狀態(tài)為【進行中】,那么此 ASIN 應(yīng)顯示在亞馬遜奧特萊斯頁面上。

要在亞馬遜奧特萊斯上搜索您的 ASIN,請選擇商品的任何適用分類,并在可用促銷中查找您的商品。搜索所有適用分類。





  • 價格:

    • 您的促銷價格高于最高促銷價格。最高促銷價格考慮了來自任何提供新品狀況的該商品的賣家的最低價格。其他賣家的報價可能已發(fā)生變更。

    • 您獲得批準的促銷價格不是贏得“購買按鈕”的價格。

    • 當前的銷售價格在促銷開始前發(fā)生了變更,這可能會導(dǎo)致促銷價格高于當前的銷售價格。

  • 沒有剩余的新庫存。

  • 商品評分降至當前的最低閾值以下。

  • 您的商品圖片不符合商品圖片要求。



在哪里可以找到參與該計劃的 ASIN 的績效報告?

您可以通過在促銷期間追蹤參加促銷的 ASIN 來查看其績效。

  1. 在賣家平臺的【數(shù)據(jù)報告】下拉菜單中,選擇【庫存和銷售報告】。

  2. 在左側(cè)導(dǎo)航欄的【銷售額】下,選擇【所有訂單】。


  1. 在賣家平臺的【數(shù)據(jù)報告】下拉菜單中,選擇【庫存和銷售報告】。

  2. 在左側(cè)導(dǎo)航欄的【銷售額】下,選擇【清倉促銷】。

我的 ASIN 的定價規(guī)則是否會影響我參與亞馬遜奧特萊斯計劃?

為了確保在計劃的促銷開始時間自動降價,可暫停或刪除任何針對您的 ASIN 設(shè)置的。如果設(shè)置的最低促銷價格高于亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷價格,則會造成自動降價問題,并且影響您的 ASIN 參加亞馬遜奧特萊斯限時促銷。如果商品因這些定價規(guī)則而未能降價,或者價格上漲,我們將取消促銷,恕不另行通知。


  • 【暫停規(guī)則】會暫時停止規(guī)則。您可以通過選擇【恢復(fù)規(guī)則】隨時恢復(fù)已暫停的規(guī)則。

  • 【刪除規(guī)則】會永久刪除規(guī)則。

About Amazon Outlet

Amazon Outlet is becoming the go-to place for customers to shop for highly discounted markdowns, overstock deals, and clearance products. Outlet’s wide selection includes everything from automotive products and electronics to clothing, toys and more.

You can review Outlet deal recommendations in the Manage Excess Inventory tool and create deals to be featured on the Outlet page once approved by Amazon. This is a great solution to help increase sell-through, improve cash flow, optimize inventory levels, and reduce total storage fees.

How Outlet deals work

Sellers submit promotional offers with a minimum discount of 20% via the Create Outlet deal section of the Manage Excess Inventory page, and selected deals are featured on the Outlet page for a fixed period of two weeks. There are no additional fees for using Outlet–only the standard fulfillment and referral fees apply.

To participate in Outlet, you must have a Professional selling plan and an overall rating of at least 3.5 stars.

ASINs must meet the following criteria to be eligible for listing on Outlet:

  • Have inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers for at least 90 days

  • Have more than 10 units of inventory on-hand

  • Have a sales history

  • Be in new condition

  • Have a product rating of at least 3 stars or no reviews

  • Not currently enrolled in Subscribe & Save

  • Not currently enrolled in another Deal promotion

  • Not on Outlet deals in the past 60 days

  • Comply with Amazon’s customer product reviews policies and price policies.

The Manage Excess Inventory page shows which of your eligible products Amazon recommends for Outlet, based on factors such as customer demand and inventory age. For Outlet recommendations, the message Outlet deal eligible displays below the item’s current price and the drop-down menu to the right of the Buy Box Price displays Create Outlet deal.

Note: Not every eligible product will get an Outlet recommendation from Amazon. We evaluate ASIN eligibility regularly, so a recommendation you see today may not be recommended tomorrow. Products featured as Outlet deals will not become eligible for Outlet again for 90 days after the deal ends. Updating your product settings may help improve our recommendations and allow for your product to be chosen again. (Click Customize SKU settings in the drop-down menu next to your ASIN on Manage Excess Inventory).

How to create and manage an Outlet deal

To create an Outlet deal, follow these steps:

  1. From the Inventory drop-down menu in Seller Central, select Inventory Planning.

  2. Click the Manage Excess Inventory tab.

  3. To filter for eligible inventory, click Create Outlet deal in the Show recommendations by setting.

  4. From the drop-down menu to the right of the eligible item, select Create Outlet deal.

  5. In the pop-up window, enter your price in the Outlet deal price box. Your price must be less than or equal to that the maximum price, which is filled in by default.

    Note: The maximum deal price takes into consideration the lowest price charged by sellers offering the product in new condition. This price might fluctuate if the product’s current sale price changes before the deal starts. After the deal begins, Amazon may cancel it without notice if the product’s sale price rises above the Outlet deal price.

  6. Review the start and end dates for your Outlet deal.

  7. Click Submit.

The message Outlet deal submission successful will appear if your deal was submitted correctly. If you see the message Maximum deal price is $x, change your deal price so it is less than or equal to the maximum.

When an approved Outlet deal starts, the price of the item will automatically change to the deal price. When the deal ends, the price will change back to what it was before the promotion.

If you raise the price above the maximum deal price during your Outlet promotion, the deal will be canceled, and your eligibility to participate in future Outlet deals may be affected.

Note: Not all Outlet deal submissions will be approved. If your deal is approved, we will send you an email. We encourage you to review your Outlet Deals report on the Friday after you submit your deals. To find the report, select Fulfillment from the Reports drop-down menu in Seller Central. The Outlet Deals report will be in the list on the left-hand side of the page under Sales. You can also access the report from the Manage Excess Inventory page by clicking Check status in Outlet Deals report under the price for submitted ASINs.

How to check the status of an Outlet deal

You can check your deal submission results, deal start and end dates, and deal status in the Outlet Deals report.

  1. From the Reports drop-down menu in Seller Central, select Fulfillment.

  2. Under Sales on the left-side navigation, select Outlet Deals.

You can also access the report from the Manage Excess Inventory page by clicking Check status in Outlet Deals report under a submitted ASIN’s current price.

Note: If a report is not immediately generated for the ASIN, allow up to 24 hours before requesting another one. You can also expand the Event Date range (for example, to last 3 days or last 7 days).

How to cancel an Outlet deal submission

You can cancel an Outlet deal submission before Amazon completes its review.

  1. From the Inventory drop-down menu in Seller Central, select Inventory Planning and click the Manage Excess Inventory tab.

  2. From the drop-down menu to the right of the eligible item, select Create Outlet deal.

  3. Change the price and click Update.

  4. Click Cancel Outlet deal.

Note: If you want to cancel an Outlet deal that has already started, first check the status of your deal on your Outlet Deals report and then contact Selling Partner Support.

Combined Outlet deal and coupon discount

Outlet deal and sale discounts can be combined with discounts from other promotions that you are offering on that product at the same time, including coupons, promotions, sale prices, business prices, and giveaways. For example, if your Outlet deal offers a 50% discount on a $100 ASIN and you also have a 5% off coupon running at the same time, the total discount would be $55.

  • Standard price: $100

  • Outlet deal discount: 50%

  • Coupon discount: 5%

  • Total discount: (100 x 0.5) + (100 x 0.05) = $55

Comparing Outlet deals to Outlet sales

Outlet deals require a higher discount (at least 30%) than sales, and are set by Amazon to last two weeks beginning the next deal cycle. Outlet deals take priority in consumer promotions, are featured more prominently on Outlet, and display the limited time deal badge in the ASIN detail page. In general, it is expected that these will have a higher sell-through rate. Outlet deals require a discount of 30% or more, and may vary based on factors including customer demand and inventory age.

Outlet sales follow the same eligibility criteria as deals but are open to items with lower recommended discounts (between 25% and 30%). While you can choose to discount items for a longer period, Outlet sale items will be featured on Outlet only for the duration the item is at an Outlet eligible price, and no more than two consecutive weeks. ASINs that match Outlet sales criteria will have Outlet Store Eligible listed on their ASIN in the Manage Excess Inventory page.

Outlet best practices

  • Remove pricing rules for an ASIN before submitting. Pricing rules might prevent the price of the ASIN from dropping automatically. These deals would be removed from Outlet, and could result in all Outlet recommendations being suppressed in the future for the account.

  • Use high-quality images. Products with sufficient overstock inventory and high-quality images are more likely to be featured in our marketing campaigns at an ASIN level. Individual ASINs highlighted by Outlet deals have a higher sell-through rate.

  • Combine Outlet deals with coupons to improve conversion.

  • Consider discounting more than the recommended rate. Items under $10 will receive more promotion in the Under $10 page, and top sellers will be featured in the Best Sellers page.

  • Do not submit an Outlet deal if you are unsure about running the deal for two full weeks. There is no quantity limit, or self-service way to stop the deal once it starts.

  • Discount sibling ASIN variations, even without an Outlet deal recommendation.

Frequently asked questions

I clicked the Create Outlet deal button on the top of the Manage Excess Inventory page, but no deals appear. Why?

The Create Outlet deal button is a recommendation filter that will remain on the Manage Excess Inventory page even if there are no deals currently eligible for Outlet.

Why was my Outlet deal submission not approved?

The reasons for Amazon not approving an Outlet deal submission include but are not limited to the following:

  • The ASIN is already scheduled for a deal that overlaps with the Outlet deal schedule, such as Lightning Deals.

  • The product images do not follow category guidelines. See Product image requirements for more information.

  • The customer review rating is below three stars.

  • You ran out of stock for the ASIN.

  • The maximum deal price requirement changed due to price fluctuations.

Why can't I find my ASIN on the Outlet homepage?

Before looking for your ASIN on the Outlet page, confirm the status of your submitted deal by checking the Outlet deal report. If the status of the ASIN is Submitted or Ended, your ASIN will not appear on Outlet. If the status is Running, your ASIN should appear on Outlet.

To search for your ASIN on Outlet, select any applicable category of your product and look for your offer among the available deals. Search all applicable categories.

The placement of products on Outlet is based on customer preference.

If you still cannot find your deal, it may have been removed after approval for not meeting guidelines.

Why was my Outlet deal removed after approval?

Your Outlet deal may be removed after approval for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Pricing:

    • Your deal price became higher than the maximum deal price. The maximum deal price takes into consideration the lowest price from any seller with an offer on the product in new condition. The offer prices from other sellers may have changed.

    • Your approved deal price is not the Buy Box winning price.

    • The current sale price changed before the deal started, possibly resulting in the deal price being higher than the current sale price.

  • There is no remaining new inventory.

  • The product rating fell under the current minimum threshold.

  • Your product images do not follow product image requirements.

May I limit the quantity for Outlet?

No, you may not limit the quantity for Outlet.

Where can I find the performance report for my participating ASIN?

You can view the performance of your participating ASIN by tracking it during its deal runtime.

  1. From the Reports drop-down menu in Seller Central, select Fulfillment.

  2. Under Sales on the left-side navigation, select All orders.

You can check the runtime of your deal through the Outlet Deals report.

  1. From the Reports drop-down menu in Seller Central, select Fulfillment.

  2. Under Sales on the left-side navigation, select Outlet Deals.

Will pricing rules on my ASIN affect my participation in Outlet?

To ensure the price drops automatically on your deal’s scheduled start time, either pause or delete any automatic pricing rules you may have on your ASINs. Minimum deal prices that are set higher than the Outlet deal price can create issues with the automatic price drop and affect your ASIN's participation in Outlet deals. If the price fails to drop due to these pricing rules, or the price increases, the deal will be canceled without notice.

To pause or delete a pricing rule, from the Pricing drop-down menu on Seller Central, select Automatic Pricing. Then, in the Action column for the pricing rule, select one of the following actions from the drop-down menu:

  • Pause rule temporarily suspends the rule. You can resume a paused rule at any time by selecting Resume rule.

  • Delete rule permanently deletes the rule.

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